Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Morning Exercise May Offer the Most Weight Loss Benefits

From the NYTimes

Does running (or working out in general) in the morning help you lose weight more effectively than doing the same in the evening?

According to this (very early, no pun intended) research. I call it early research because the
From Wikipedia
researchers were not expecting a correlation on the time of day so did not have a theoretical framework on which to build an argument. I.e., correlation is not causation.

This is not to say this isn't perfect research - this is perfect research! Indeed finding this correlation means that they now have a new frontier to explore to find out how such a result may have come to pass.

Does this mean you should exercise only in the morning? No - the researchers found that morning or evening, those who exercised lost weight. It was that the morning exercisers lost more than the evening ones. If mornings are not an option, evenings still do good for you.

Morning Exercise May Offer the Most Weight Loss Benefits

The New York Times · by Gretchen Reynolds · July 31, 2019

Monday, August 12, 2019

Does a sugar "detox" work? The author is on one and has had some "surprising" results.

I personally cannot stand the term "detox". Largely - it is a term used but the pseudo-scientific alternative "health" industry when they make claims about various body parts and some herb (or potion of herbs). Liver detox, lung detox, colon detox. Well, unless someone can point to some actual science that shows toxins being removed from these organs by the herb concoctions well... it's just another concoction.
From en.wikipedia.org

So despite the title of the piece, I read this article since I am of the belief that too much sugar in the diet may well be a health risk. It is an interesting article which, unfortunately, like many alt-health articles, asserts some of the vague, cloudy findings of health research as hard, take 'em to the bank type facts.

The author says at one point that as a result of this reduction in sugar intake his weight as dropped. This is good but fits within my favorite diet plan/framework which I call the "change your diet" weight loss program. Whatever it is you eat now, be it nothing but breakfast cereal or steak and potatoes. Stop. Just stop. Find some other collection of food that is different, start eating that instead. My thinking is that the mental effort at consciously changing your diet and the impact that the change in food-type has on the microbiome together lead to reduced fat storage and thus weight.

Perspective | Does a sugar detox work? I’m on it and have had some surprising results.

The Washington Post · by Steven Petrow · August 6, 2019